Travailler sans contrainte, est-ce mieux?
10:48(On va faire comme si on ne remarquait pas qu'il s'agit d'un montage de qualité.)
Entre anxiété et excitation, j'ai accepté de réaliser une illustration avec carte blanche, qui paraitrait en parallèle d'une courte présentation de l'école où j'ai étudié. Déjà, joie et honneur qu'on pense à moi (y'a tellement de gens talentueux dans cette école, j'ai été surprise), puis pression de "représenter" mon école!
Je voulais en être
J'ai avancé sur 4 pistes (voir ci-dessous), tout d'abord au crayon. Avec des croquis 10cm de haut maxi. Mauvaise densité de la composition une fois retravaillée pour du A4, manque d'expérience pour le style envisagé, manque de temps pour essayer un nouveau style, manque de sens dans la juxtaposition des éléments... J'avoue, j'ai perdu espoir. Je n'arrivais pas à faire ce que je voulais, alors que je n'avais aucun prérequis à intégrer, qui ne me conviendrait pas.
Du coup, je me suis replongée dans le travail d'artistes que j'aime. J'ai repensé à ce désir de représenter un espace découpé, irréaliste. Et je me suis lancé directement à l'ordinateur, comme j'avais finalement pris l'habitude de faire. J'ai avancé à tâtons, élément par élément, les déplaçant, les déformant jusqu'à ce que l'image me parle. Jusqu'à ce que j'ai l'impression d'y avoir mit ce que j'avais à dire. Et je crois que ma difficulté face au fait de travailler sans contrainte tient de ça: qu'ai-je à dire? Comment le dire? C'est pourquoi je suis plus efficace quand je travaille avec des points déterminés. Je me perds moins dans l'éventail des possibles. Donc le travail sans contrainte, dans mon cas, ce n'est pas mieux!
Tu préfères avoir quelques directives, ou tu t'amuses bien plus sans?
EN// (We'll pretend we do not notice that this is a quality mockup)
Between anxiety and excitement, I agreed to make an illustration, without any directive, which would appear in parallel with a short presentation about the school I studied in. First, joy and honor they thought of me (there's so many talented people in this school, I was surprised), then pressure: it will kinda "represent" my school!
I wanted to be proud satisfied, I wanted to be noticed, I wanted it to fit me.
I tried 4 ideas (see just above), first in pencil. With sketches 10cm high max. Poor density of the composition once reworked to A4, lack of experience for the intended style, lack of time to try a new style, lack of meaning in the juxtaposition of the elements ... I admit, I lost hope. I couldn't do what I wanted, although I had no prerequisites to integrate, which would not have suit me.
So, I plunged back into the work of artists I love. I thought about this desire to create an unrealistic, cut space. And I sketched directly on my computer, what I was used to do.
I went on element by element, moving, deforming them until the image speaks to me. Until I feel like I put what I had to say. And I think here is my weakness when I can work without constraint: what do I have to say? How could I say it? That's why I'm more effective when I work with specific expectations. I don't get that much lost in the range of possible. In my case, not having any constraint to work it is not better!
Between anxiety and excitement, I agreed to make an illustration, without any directive, which would appear in parallel with a short presentation about the school I studied in. First, joy and honor they thought of me (there's so many talented people in this school, I was surprised), then pressure: it will kinda "represent" my school!
I wanted to be proud satisfied, I wanted to be noticed, I wanted it to fit me.
I tried 4 ideas (see just above), first in pencil. With sketches 10cm high max. Poor density of the composition once reworked to A4, lack of experience for the intended style, lack of time to try a new style, lack of meaning in the juxtaposition of the elements ... I admit, I lost hope. I couldn't do what I wanted, although I had no prerequisites to integrate, which would not have suit me.
So, I plunged back into the work of artists I love. I thought about this desire to create an unrealistic, cut space. And I sketched directly on my computer, what I was used to do.
I went on element by element, moving, deforming them until the image speaks to me. Until I feel like I put what I had to say. And I think here is my weakness when I can work without constraint: what do I have to say? How could I say it? That's why I'm more effective when I work with specific expectations. I don't get that much lost in the range of possible. In my case, not having any constraint to work it is not better!
Do you prefer to have some guidance or do you enjoy yourself far more without?
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Je découvre ton blog et suis ravie !
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Merci beaucoup ;)